Some people like their women big, but what if it went a step further and you suddenly get taken hostage by a sex-crazed giantess? One wrong move, a word, or inability to follow a command, and she would crush you into the tiniest molecules, but obey her and you will get to explore all those mountain-like curves on these giantess roleplay cams chat sessions online.
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The threat of a massive female the size of a building doing with you as she pleases is certainly exciting, whatever her cravings are, you, her little twerp will be here to obey. It might be exhausting to run around her nude body, tickling those tits, or rubbing her clit with your whole body just so she could feel something, but being eaten alive is not an option you don’t want to explore.
ClaraCrush loves role playing games with tiny humanoids, she will let you run around, while she’s pretending to try and stomp on you with her feet. It’s like she’s playing with a helpless ant, and he’s running around until exhaustion catches up to him and gives up on his life.
She will pick you up and bring you closer to her mouth, holding you by your shirt and blowing on you, it’s like you’ve caught the wildest windstorm and you could fly away into your demise if she decides to release you in our live giantess video chats. Maybe you could be used for something else, after all, she is about to please herself and you could help her.
Even the vibrator is bigger than you, but you’re here to play with her nipples. She will release you between her tits, and you have to fight your way to the top, where firm nipples stand, waiting for you. Your tiny arms surround it, and you hug it, squeezing and releasing while she’s moaning.
Those sounds will ring in your head, it’s unlike anything you’ve heard before, and it will become unbearable, so you cover your ears. Doing so would definitely anger her, she didn’t tell you to stop, look at how you’ve ruined her orgasm, now she’s going to put you in her mouth and grind you up with her teeth.
Some roleplay hotties like Giant_Gina keep their dwarfs in a special jar and release one only when there is a need to treat her sexual hunger. You will be next in line, all the others have disappeared, mainly because they didn’t do their job right, but can you step up and please her?
She will order you to strip naked, pick you up by your legs, and lick you because you’re about to go on exploration inside her caves during the live sex show. The feeling of a wet tongue going across your tiny prick, so hot and moist, you’re barely holding it in and trying not to cum, but then again, she wouldn’t notice it anyway.
Her bunghole is first, she has got it prepared with a buttplug, and you will have to crawl your way inside before the sphincter clenches up. You climb and rush inside before getting crushed, entering a dark cave, and your job is to move inside so she could feel some anal stimulation.
If you’re good at your job, she’ll move you inside her pussy, now that’s wet, your giantess orders you to hit her g-spot, and your job is to keep massaging it until she cums. After some time you will hear a rumble, and suddenly a river of juices washing you away, it’s a squirting orgasm launching you out of her pussy, but if she doesn’t catch you, you won’t make it.
These roleplay webcam rooms features all kinds of big chicks, they can be sadistic, torturing you with demands, and using you for their amusement until they get bored and crush you with bare feet. Some are rather treating you as a toy, using you as a dildo, and pushing you inside their orifices for pleasure.
Either way, you are going to respect them out of fear and do as you’re told, there is nothing else a tiny man can do once he’s cornered by a giantess female who is only looking to get pleased.